Oscar Predictions: Napoleon

Ridley Scott’s 2000 epic Gladiator was named Best Picture and costar Joaquin Phoenix nabbed his first Oscar nomination for Supporting Actor (he’d eventually get three more mentions and win for Joker). The duo have reunited for Napoleon (out November 22nd). Awards history repeating itself will be a tall order.

The review embargo is lifted with a current Tomatoes meter of 82%. While that’s decent, it’s currently under the 85% of Scott’s 2021 The Last Duel and that failed to attract any attention from the Academy. Scott’s biopic may suffer the same fate. One unexpected development? The number of critics saying it kind of works as a comedy.

Best Actor is probably too crowded for Phoenix to rise and I doubt costar Vanessa Kirby will be a factor in Supporting Actress. Tech nods could come with Production Design being the likeliest opportunity (Sound, Visual Effects, and Costume Design are also feasible). It could also go the way of Duel and come up empty-handed. My Oscar Prediction posts will continue…

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