Oscar Predictions – Limonov: The Ballad

To stateside audiences, Ben Whishaw might be best known as Q in the last three Daniel Craig 007 pics or as the voice of Paddington in those two acclaimed family flicks. He is hoping to generate awards chatter in Limonov: The Ballad which has premiered at Cannes.

Whishaw plays the title role of a Russian dissident who founded the National Bolshevik Party in the early 1990s. Kirill Serebrennikov directs with a screenplay cowritten by Pawel Pawlikowski (the Oscar nominated maker of 2018’s Cold War). Costars include Tomas Arana and Sandrine Bonnaire.

Reviews thus far are mixed enough that I question its viability in awards conversations. Despite Whishaw getting some high marks, the real-life character he’s playing might be too controversial for him to factor into discussions as well. My Oscar Prediction posts will continue…

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