Oscar Predictions: Janet Planet

Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Annie Baker enters the cinematic realm penning and directing Janet Planet. The coming-of-age drama doesn’t hit screens until June 21st, but it debuted at Telluride last fall and a trailer is now up. Julianne Nicholson, newcomer Zoe Ziegler, Elias Koteas, Sophie Okonedo, and Will Patton are among the cast members.

Reviews range from raves to just so-so write-ups with a RT score at 83%. Variety, for example, lovingly compares it to the acclaimed Eighth Grade (another A24 project). Praise for Nicholson and Ziegler is particularly strong. The former is one of those actresses who may not be far away from their Oscar play. An Emmy winner for Mare of Easttown, Nicholson has shown up recently in Blonde and Dream Scenario and draws positive notices everywhere she turns up.

I’m not confident Janet Planet is that project. A24 would need to mount a serious campaign and they might be preoccupied elsewhere. My Oscar Prediction posts will continue…