Oscar Predictions: Concrete Utopia

Um Tae-hwa’s disaster pic Concrete Utopia has been doing brisk business in its home country of South Korea as it also played the Toronto Film Festival this week. Lee Byung-hun, Park Seo-joon, and Park Bo-young are among the cast.

The Rotten Tomatoes score is 100% while many reviews aren’t overly effusive in their praise. South Korea has had an interesting recent history in the International Feature Film category at the Academy Awards. In 2019, the nation nabbed its first ever nomination with Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite. Not only did it win that race, but it became the first foreign entry to be crowned Best Picture.

Last year, Park Chan-wook’s Decision to Leave was widely expected to grab one of the five spots in IFF and be the only feasible competitor to All Quiet on the Western Front. While it made the shortlist, it was shockingly omitted from the quintet.

Utopia could make the cut and certainly the shortlist. Yet if voters decided to leave off Decision to Leave, this faces longer odds. My Oscar Prediction posts will continue…