Oscar Predictions: Presence

Steven Soderbergh’s latest is Presence and early reviews from Sundance compliment it as an unconventionally engrossing ghost story. Lucy Liu, Julia Fox, and Chris Sullivan star in the brief (85 minutes) genre exercise written by David Koepp (who scripted the director’s recent Kimi).

Mr. Soderbergh helped usher in the indie revolution in 1989 with Sex, Lies, and Videotape. Since then, he’s helmed an eclectic mix of awards contenders, blockbusters, and experimental efforts. This appears to fall in the latter grouping. It’s actually been some time since Soderbergh was majorly in the Oscar mix with the one two punch of Erin Brockovich and Traffic in 2000.

Despite a 100% RT score, Presence shouldn’t have one among Academy voters. My Oscar Prediction posts will continue…

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