Rio 2 Box Office Prediction

20th Century Fox is putting out the animated sequel Rio 2 next Friday which will attempt to unseat the Captain America sequel for the #1 spot after its mammoth record setting premiere. This is the follow-up to the 2011 hit which took in a solid $143 million domestically after its $39 million opening.

Featuring the voices of Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway,, and Jamie Foxx, among others, the big question is whether or not Rio 2 opens bigger than its predecessor. I’m uncertain. While Rio did respectable business, it didn’t exactly approach the levels of what Pixar or the Despicable Me series has been accomplishing.

Having said that, I’ll predict this sequel opens just slightly north of the original. My prediction will likely put at the #2 spot in a close fight with Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Rio 2 opening weekend prediction: $41.7 million

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