FINAL Oscar Winner Predictions: Best Actor

The 2012 crop of Best Actor nominees is definitely one of the strongest fields of contenders we’ve had in quite some time. In a lesser field, we likely would have seen such nominees as John Hawkes in The Sessions. Or Richard Gere in what’s said to be a career-best performance in Arbitrage. Or Jamie Foxx in Django Unchained. Or Suraj Sharma in Life of Pi. Perhaps Jake Gyllenhall for his fine work in End of Watch. None were nominated.

In a different field of nominees, Denzel Washington’s astonishing performance in Flight might win. He’s nominated and won’t win.

In a different field of nominees, Joaquin Phoenix’s brilliant work in The Master might win. He’s nominated and won’t win.

In a different field of nominees, Hugh Jackman might win for what is considered the best role so far in his career for Les Miserables. He’s nominated and won’t win.

In a different field of nominees, the momentum of Silver Linings Playbook might cause Bradley Cooper to be recognized for his work, which is equally as great as his co-star Jennifer Lawrence, who may very well win. He’s nominated and won’t win.

That’s because this field of nominees includes Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln. No need to go into much explanation here. He’s won pretty much every major precursor that exists, including the Golden Globe, SAG, and Critics Choice Award.

If Day-Lewis does not win for Steven Spielberg’s film, it would constitute one of the biggest upsets in Oscar history.

But, you see, Daniel Day-Lewis is nominated. And he will win. And he will become the first performer ever to win the Best Actor award three times.

Prediction: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln

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